Source code for configclasses.configclass

Contains the configclass wrapper and the internal registry used to store
global configuration objects.

import re
from enum import Enum
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Any, Dict, Set, Tuple, Type

from dataclasses import MISSING
from dataclasses import Field as DField
from dataclasses import dataclass

from .conversions import EnumConversionRegistry, to_bool
from .sources import EnvironmentSource, FieldsDependentSource

# The global wrap registry is used to check whether a class has already been
# wrapped as a configclass.
# The global instance registry is used to enforce instances are only
# created and initialized once per configclass type and that subsequent
# instantiation returns the previously initialized singleton object
# The shape of the instance registry dict is {ClassType: [instance, initialized_bool_flag]}
_WRAP_REGISTRY: Set[Type] = set()
_INSTANCE_REGISTRY: Dict[Type, Tuple[Any, bool]] = {}

MISSING_ARGUMENTS_REGEX = re.compile(r"__init__\(\) missing (?P<nargs>\d+) required positional arguments?: (?P<names>.*)\Z")

class Field(DField):
    Subclasses the `dataclasses.Field` type and adds a converter attribute.
    def __init__(self, converter, validator, default, default_factory, init, repr, hash, compare, metadata):
        super().__init__(default, default_factory, init, repr, hash, compare, metadata)
        self.converter = converter
        self.validator = validator

[docs]def field(*, converter=None, validator=None, default=MISSING, default_factory=MISSING, init=True, repr=True, hash=None, compare=True, metadata=None): """ This function can be used if the field differs from the default functionality. It is the same as the field function in the dataclasses module except that it includes a ``converter`` argument that can be used to convert from a primitive type to a more complex type such as a dict or custom class. :param converter: is a function that takes a single argument and constructs a return value that is the same as the conficlass field's type annotation. :param converter: is a function that takes a single argument and returns True or False depending on whether that argument is considerd a valid value. :param default: is the default value of the field. :param default_factory: is a 0-argument function called to initialize a field's value. :param init: if True, the field will be a parameter to the class's __init__() function. :param repr: if True, the field will be included in the object's repr(). :param hash: if True, the field will be included in the object's hash(). :param compare: if True, the field will be used in comparison functions. :param metadata: if specified, must be a mapping which is stored but not otherwise examined by dataclass. :raises ValueError: It is an error to specify both default and default_factory. """ if default is not MISSING and default_factory is not MISSING: raise ValueError('cannot specify both default and default_factory') return Field(converter, validator, default, default_factory, init, repr, hash, compare, metadata)
[docs]def configclass(_cls=None, *, source=None, sources=None): """ Turn a class into a configclass with the default EnvironmentSource used. For example, configuring the host and port for a web application might look like this: >>> from configclasses import configclass >>> @configclass ... class Configuration: ... HOST: str ... PORT: int Turn a class into a configclass using the user provided source or sources list. :param source: single ``Source`` used to fetch values. :param sources: list of ``Source`` used to fetch values, prioritized from first to last. :raises ValueError: The user must pass `either` the source `or` a list of sources. It is an error to provide both. Configuring the host and port for a web application using both command line arguments and environment variables as sources: >>> from configclasses import configclass, sources >>> env_source = EnvironmentSource() >>> cli_source = CommandLineSource() >>> @configclass(sources=[cli_source, env_source]) ... class Configuration: ... HOST: str ... PORT: int Because the ``cli_source`` comes `after` the ``env_source`` in the list of ``sources``, it will be prioritized when fetching values that are found in both sources. Decorate your configuration classes with the `configclass` decorator to turn them into Configuration Classes. The returned configclass will have a ``.reload()`` method present, that can be used to reload values from configuration sources on demand. This reload affects `all` instances of the configclass you are reloading. """ def wrap(cls): if source is not None and sources is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot pass both `source` and `sources` to configclass decorator. Pass one or the other.") if source is not None: _sources = [source] elif sources is not None: _sources = sources else: _sources = [EnvironmentSource()] return _process_config_class(cls, _sources) # Called with keyword args if _cls is None: return wrap # Called with defaults return wrap(_cls)
def _process_config_class(cls, sources): global _WRAP_REGISTRY if cls in _WRAP_REGISTRY: raise RuntimeError("Cannot double register a class as a `configclass`") _WRAP_REGISTRY.add(cls) datacls = dataclass(cls) original_new_fn = datacls.__new__ original_init_fn = datacls.__init__ cls._enum_registry = EnumConversionRegistry() def __new__(cls): global _INSTANCE_REGISTRY if cls not in _INSTANCE_REGISTRY: initialized = False _INSTANCE_REGISTRY[cls] = [original_new_fn(cls), initialized] # Do any preprocessing needed based on field types for name, field in cls.__dataclass_fields__.items(): if issubclass(field.type, Enum): cls._enum_registry.add_enum(field.type) return _INSTANCE_REGISTRY[cls][0] def __init__(self): global _INSTANCE_REGISTRY cls = type(self) if not _INSTANCE_REGISTRY[cls][1]: self.sources = sources # provide configclass fields to sources that need them to work properly for source in self.sources: if isinstance(source, FieldsDependentSource): source.update_with_fields(cls.__dataclass_fields__) kwargs = self.kwargs_from_fields() try: original_init_fn(self, **kwargs) except TypeError as exc: match = MISSING_ARGUMENTS_REGEX.match(str(exc)) if match is not None: nargs = int("nargs")) names ="names") field_fields = "fields" if nargs > 1 else "field" raise ValueError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' is missing {nargs} required configuration {field_fields}: {names}") else: raise initialized = True _INSTANCE_REGISTRY[cls][1] = initialized def kwargs_from_fields(self): kwargs = {} for name, field in self.__dataclass_fields__.items(): value = MISSING # Try to fetch the value from the various sources in right-to-left order, # breaking after the first non-MISSING value for source in reversed(self.sources): this_value = source.get(name) if this_value is not MISSING: value = this_value break if value is MISSING: # commented because default might exist for field: # raise ValueError(f"Could not find configuration value for {name}") continue value = self.convert_raw_value(field, value) if getattr(field, 'validator', None): try: if callable(field.validator): if not field.validator(value): raise ValueError(f"Value fails validation function") elif value not in field.validator: raise ValueError(f"Value fails validation function") except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError("Bad validation function") from exc kwargs[name] = value return kwargs def convert_raw_value(self, field, raw_value): if issubclass(field.type, Enum): return self._enum_registry.to_enum(field.type, raw_value) elif issubclass(field.type, bool): return to_bool(raw_value) elif getattr(field, "converter", None) is not None: # We have a converter function to use value = field.converter(raw_value) if not isinstance(value, field.type): raise TypeError("Custom converter function did not produce the required type") return value else: # Most primitive types handle conversions in the constructor. return field.type(raw_value) def reload(self): """ Reload all sources and then re-init self. """ for source in self.sources: source.reload() global _INSTANCE_REGISTRY cls = type(self) _INSTANCE_REGISTRY[cls][1] = False self.__init__() datacls.__new__ = __new__ datacls.__init__ = __init__ datacls.kwargs_from_fields = kwargs_from_fields datacls.convert_raw_value = convert_raw_value datacls.reload = reload return datacls